
News updates from the Kiribati Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development.

Nonouti Updates: Coastal Fisheries Division continues training

Nonouti Updates: Coastal Fisheries Division continues training

March 4th 2024. Nonouti Updates: The Coastal Fisheries Division team from the Sustainable Fisheries Development Unit and the Mechanical and Workshop Unit continues its impactful work on FAD fabrication, fiberglass boat repair and outboard engine repair training, aiding local fishermen and communities on Nonouti Island. Fisheries services to boost fisheries diversification opportunities for local fishermen in Nonouti. Collaborative effort with local fishermen in Nonouti supported by the Nonouti Island council, significant progress has been made. Their dedication to assisting in this vital area is commendable, and we express our gratitude to the team for their unwavering commitment.
The tremendous output, significantly brings benefits to ensure our local fishers continue to keep providing for their families and communities from the diverse marine ecosystems Nonouti could offer. Through this programme, collaborative effort to venture for export beyond Nonouti to the main markets in Tarawa is priority. Our team is committed to this project, and we're thankful for the support received from partners towards building efforts for a resilience people. Together, we're making a difference and building a sustainable and better future for our local people. 
Kanoan ana waaki  mwangan te Botaki n Akawa are boboto katabeana ma tararuan maari inanoa, te Sustainable Fisheries Development Unit ao te Mechanical ao Workshop Unit ni ibuobuoki iaon Nonouti ibukin boutokan te akawa. Waaki n boutoka iaon te akawa ea boboto iaon karaoan boera n kau Ika, te mwakuri n onobwai nakon booti n akawa ao ai reiakinaia taan akawa iaon aroia n karaoi onobwai nakon aia intin. Booti ao te reirei iaon te Intin are e na kona n buokiia taan akawa ao Communities. Aio ana waaki Te Bootaki n Akawa n boutokai kakamwakuri iaon karikirakea te maiuraoi man te akawa are ea koro nanon aio man te reita n waaki imarenaia taan akawa ma ana boutoka te Kauntira n Nonouti are ea noraki n rokon te tiim n te tai aio. 
Iai te kantaninga ae abwabwaki bwa man te waaki aio ena kateimatoa te maiuraoi man ana itera te akawa ao iaon uarokoan te waaki n iokinibwai man marin taari ibukin maiuraoin te botannaomata iaon Nonouti. 
E na kona naba ni karikirakea te waaki n iokinibwai iaon te ika itinanikun Nonouti iaon uarokoan te mwakete iaon Tarawa. 
Te karabwarabwa nakon teimatoan te boutoka nakon te tiim are ea noraki man te ikarekebai ae tamaroa.


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