
News updates from the Kiribati Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development.

Empowering Marine Management: Kiribati SeaSketch Ocean Database Workshop Launch

Empowering Marine Management: Kiribati SeaSketch Ocean Database Workshop Launch
We're excited to announce the start of our Kiribati SeaSketch Ocean Database workshop!
The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development, with the support of MFAT through the Phoenix Marine Spatial Planning Project, is bringing together key stakeholders from MFMRD, OB (Climate Change Unit), MOJ (Ag’s office), Marine Division, Digital Transformation Office, KPA, MTCIC (Tourism), MELAD (ECD, LMD), and MWYSA to unlock the power of our ocean. The workshop is facilitated by a group of experts from Seasketch and Marine Spatial Planning consultants.
By harnessing our national capabilities on SeaSketch, we're building a strong foundation for Marine Spatial Planning in Kiribati. This innovative tool will help us:
- Visualize and analyze our marine spatial data
- Make informed climate and biodiversity-smart decisions for sustainable ocean management
- Promote data sharing and protect confidential data
- Foster collaboration and transparency among stakeholders
New Zealand’s support is part of its Climate and Biodiversity-Smart Marine Spatial Planning initiative for the Pacific region.
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