
News updates from the Kiribati Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development.

Successful FAD Deployment in Kiritimati: Training Program Completes with Two New FADs at Tabwakea and Poland

Successful FAD Deployment in Kiritimati: Training Program Completes with Two New FADs at Tabwakea and Poland
The 2-week training has wrapped up with 2 FADs successfully deployed at Tabwakea and Poland. The program, aimed at re-starting the FAD initiative, trained Ministry of Fisheries & Ocean Resources (MFOR) Officers and new trainees in FAD fabrication and deployment.
Managed by MFOR's Coastal Fisheries Division, in collaboration with the Ministry of Line & Phoenix Group, this effort was made possible with support from the World Bank PROP Project and SPC. A huge kam bati n raba to the people of Kiritimati and everyone who helped make this mission a success!
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