
News updates from the Kiribati Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development.

Aquaculture Unit deploys 1010 Sandfish Juveniles

Feb 29 2024

The Aquaculture unit is excited to share the news of a successful milestone: the deployment of 1010 sandfish juveniles on February 24th in Tekuanga village, Marakei. Produced in October 2023 through a collaborative effort with Dr. Satoshi Ohashi, an expert from the Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation (OFCF) in Japan. The team extend their heartfelt thanks to the Marakei Island Council, Tekuanga residents, and FA Moaiti Rebite for their invaluable support and partnership in this project.

Ana tokanikai te Aquaculture Unit ibukin te ongora. E a tia n kabwakaaki 1010 bunin kereboki n 24 n Beberuare 2024 n te kaawa ae Tekuanga i Marakei. A kabwebweaki kereboki aikai inanon Okitobwa 2023 irouia ana taan mwakuri te Aquaculture ma ana ibuobuoki ana tia rabwakau temanna Te Bootaki n Akawa man te Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation (OFCF) ae Dr Satoshi Ohashi. Anga aia taeka n kakaitau ana tiim Te Bootaki n Akawa nakon te Kauntira n Marakei, kain te kaawa ae Tekuanga ao aia FA ae Moaiti Rebite ibukin aia boutoka ao ikarekebai nakon te karikirake aio.


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Kiribati Island: Battling Adversity with Resilience

In the heart of the Pacific Ocean, Kiribati Island stands as a testament to both the beauty of nature and the challenges it faces. Despite its breathtaking scenery, this remote island nation grapples with a host of environmental and socioeconomic challenges that threaten its very existence.

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  • Hits: 771

Kiribati Fisheries Ministry: Leading the Charge in Ocean Conservation

In the heart of the Pacific Ocean lies Kiribati, a nation renowned for its breathtaking marine biodiversity and vibrant coral reefs. At the forefront of preserving this natural treasure trove is the Kiribati Fisheries Ministry, whose unwavering dedication to sustainable practices and ocean conservation sets a commendable example for the world.

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  • Hits: 846

The HRWG of MFMRD held its second retreat at Tabontekeeke Resort in Abatao, North Tarawa

The HRWG of MFMRD held its second retreat at Tabontekeeke Resort in Abatao, North Tarawa.


  • Hits: 630

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